Index of /messages/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
[SND]01-04-18.mp32018-01-27 01:31 11636k
[SND]02-04-17.mp32018-02-05 05:26 13798k
[SND]02-11-18.mp32018-02-12 02:35 5757k
[SND]02-14-18.mp32018-02-16 02:44 12393k
[SND]03-11-18.mp32018-03-12 13:55 5389k
[SND]05-17-17.mp32017-05-18 18:37 12016k
[SND]06-10-18.mp32018-10-09 22:50 3134k
[SND]09-10-16 The Zeal- Ps Danny- Ps Keene.mp32016-10-15 02:43 13290k
[SND]1 Co 10.mp32018-08-15 20:09 3278k
[SND]1-05-25 Communion, No Distraction My Heart Is Fixed ps David.mp32025-01-08 03:23 6573k
[SND]1-07-24 Hearing of Faith p david p danny 1.mp32024-01-08 18:11 12795k
[SND]1-08-23 By lightness, by flesh or by promise ps drew ps david 1.mp32023-01-09 16:38 10939k
[SND]1-12-25 One Thing To Reveal All Things ps Danny ps David.mp32025-01-15 03:17 10658k
[SND]1-14-24 Make me to know where I end and You begin p.david 1.mp32024-01-19 22:48 9440k
[SND]1-15-23 Seeing the invisible God ps danny ps david 1.mp32023-01-16 21:42 11550k
[SND]1-21-24 Receiving the Spirit of life for every situation p david p drew 1.mp32024-01-23 17:05 12145k
[SND]1-22-23 The life that doesn't take but gives ps keene ps david 1.mp32023-01-24 16:30 10042k
[SND]1-23-22 Hidden & Obvious ministry of Christ 1.mp32022-01-25 03:29 5011k
[SND]1-28-24 Prosperity, Adversity, and the Ability of God Ps Danny Ps David 1.mp32024-02-05 20:44 12006k
[SND]1-29-23 Being Spirit Taught ps danny ps david 1.mp32023-01-31 03:57 10441k
[SND]1-30-22 I come to put an end to it - ps. david 1.mp32022-01-31 04:17 9333k
[SND]1-9-22 Obedience thru the Spirit Ps. Drew Ps. David.mp32022-01-11 23:36 17243k
[SND]10-02-16 Communion -Ps Drew.mp32016-10-06 21:27 1918k
[SND]10-02-16 Offering -Ps Danny.mp32016-10-06 21:28 3265k
[SND]10-02-16-We have an adversary- Ps Drew.mp32016-10-06 21:30 6205k
[SND]10-09-22 EL-ROI ps david 1.mp32022-10-10 21:27 7595k
[SND]10-1-17.mp32017-10-02 19:39 12900k
[SND]10-1-23 Is it Have Mercy on Me or Just Recieve It ps Danny ps David 1.mp32023-10-09 20:34 8435k
[SND]10-10-18.mp32018-10-11 03:05 2313k
[SND]10-10-21 Walking part2 ps david 1.mp32021-10-11 02:16 9961k
[SND]10-13-19 ps jon God wants to reset your compass 1.mp32019-10-24 13:24 9322k
[SND]10-13-24 Love In The Spirit Satisfies The Soul ps Drew ps David 1.mp32024-10-15 13:23 10123k
[SND]10-14-18.mp32018-10-18 04:01 11042k
[SND]10-15-23 God is Gracious part 1 ps Danny ps David 1.mp32023-10-23 15:30 10652k
[SND]10-16-16 Let this bones live-Ps Keene.mp32016-10-17 03:19 9842k
[SND]10-16-19 ps danny ps david 1.mp32019-10-24 13:24 12262k
[SND]10-16-22 Grace Case ps danny ps david 1.mp32022-10-18 20:31 11595k
[SND]10-17-21 Stand - The victory is yours. P5 of 6 ps. David 1.mp32021-10-18 17:39 9298k
[SND]10-20-19 ps drew 1.mp32019-10-24 13:24 8109k
[SND]10-22-23 God is Gracious Part 2 Ben Wileczek ps David 2.mp32023-10-23 15:33 10973k
[SND]10-23-22 Operating from a place of grace ps keene ps david 1.mp32022-10-26 20:30 10571k
[SND]10-24-21 Standing P6 of 6 ps danny ps david 1.mp32021-11-09 03:47 12261k
[SND]10-28.mp32018-10-29 02:05 5991k
[SND]10-29-23 God is Gracious part 3 ps. drew ps david 1.mp32023-10-31 02:40 9936k
[SND]10-3-21 Walking as a believer from a place of rest ps keene ps david 1.mp32021-10-05 02:42 11619k
[SND]10-30-16 ps keene ps drew 2.mp32016-11-16 20:15 12921k
[SND]10-30-22 The gun of the devil ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-10-31 03:04 11492k
[SND]10-6-24 Ps Keene Ps Danny 1.mp32024-10-15 13:19 9436k
[SND]10-8-23 Be Filled with the Holy Spirit ps Drew ps David 1.mp32023-10-09 20:38 8562k
[SND]11-01-17 Ps Jon & Ps Drew.mp32017-11-23 05:09 5612k
[SND]11-05-17 Ps Drew.mp32017-11-23 05:12 7736k
[SND]11-05-22 Devotional ps. Drew 1.mp32022-11-07 19:35 4562k
[SND]11-06-22 Vessels ps david jacob ps justin 1.mp32022-11-07 19:39 9584k
[SND]11-08-17 Ps Drew.mp32017-11-23 05:15 6210k
[SND]11-10-24 A Word of Grace ps Danny ps David.mp32024-11-15 01:43 11752k
[SND]11-12-17 SundayAM.mp32017-11-23 05:21 12715k
[SND]11-12-23 Prison of the Heart ps David 1.mp32023-11-12 22:38 6228k
[SND]11-13-22 Hope in the cycle ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-11-14 21:14 11681k
[SND]11-14-21 His victory our reality ps keene ps david 1.mp32021-11-16 02:54 10295k
[SND]11-15-17 Ps Drew.mp32017-11-23 05:24 6159k
[SND]11-17-24 A Word Of Edification ps Drew ps David (1).mp32024-12-08 04:19 10567k
[SND]11-18-18 ps drew what is it to be made whole 1.mp32018-12-17 21:28 9026k
[SND]11-19-17 Ps Danny & Ps Drew.mp32017-11-23 05:32 13735k
[SND]11-19-23 Heart-Faith Healing for Backsliding ps David 1.mp32023-11-20 23:33 9614k
[SND]11-20-16 Oh How Precious.mp32016-11-21 03:22 15509k
[SND]11-21-21 Just a couple parables of Jesus ps. drew ps. david 1.mp32021-11-23 01:46 10769k
[SND]11-22-17 wednesday night service.mp32017-11-23 05:34 6674k
[SND]11-24-24 God Keeps The Wretched Man ps Keene ps David.mp32024-12-08 04:28 11287k
[SND]11-26-17.mp32017-11-29 01:40 10561k
[SND]11-26-23 Bitterness and the Joyful Heart ps Drew ps David 1.mp32023-11-27 17:52 11073k
[SND]11-29.mp32017-12-02 00:26 5665k
[SND]11-3-24 Compassion That Makes A Difference ps Keene ps David.mp32024-11-04 22:40 11765k
[SND]11-5-23 God is Gracious part 4 ps Drew ps David 1.mp32023-11-06 20:51 10154k
[SND]11-7-21 Do you love me ps david 1.mp32021-11-09 03:47 11294k
[SND]12-03-22 ps danny ps keene 1.mp32022-12-18 14:18 12215k
[SND]12-10-23 Come and See Shane Inman ps Danny 1.mp32023-12-20 23:30 11774k
[SND]12-11-18.mp32018-03-12 13:41 9369k
[SND]12-11-22 Surrender shane ps danny 1.mp32022-12-18 14:22 10207k
[SND]12-12-18 ps drew helem annette 1.mp32018-12-17 20:14 3780k
[SND]12-12-21 A name above every other - ps. Drew 1.mp32021-12-16 14:04 5337k
[SND]12-13.mp32017-12-30 02:16 12075k
[SND]12-15-24 The Gift Of God ps Keene ps David.mp32025-01-08 03:13 12249k
[SND]12-17-17.mp32017-12-30 02:22 10827k
[SND]12-17-23 Ministry of The Holy Spirit Ps David 1.mp32023-12-20 23:32 4463k
[SND]12-18-22 ps david You ask amiss 1.mp32022-12-20 04:08 9719k
[SND]12-19-18.mp32018-12-31 19:02 13311k
[SND]12-19-21 Receivers of God's Nature Ps. Matt Ps. David 1.mp32021-12-20 04:45 10792k
[SND]12-2-18 ps david Our covering 1.mp32018-12-17 20:17 9756k
[SND]12-20-20.mp32020-12-22 21:27 9476k
[SND]12-22-24 ps Drew ps David Know You Got Nothing and Receive.mp32025-01-08 03:19 8443k
[SND]12-24-23 The Gospel of Christmas ps David 1.mp32024-01-08 18:05 7954k
[SND]12-25-22 An open ear ps Matt ps David 1.mp32023-01-09 16:34 11740k
[SND]12-26-21 Righteous flesh & faith is Ps drew Ps david 1.mp32022-01-11 23:32 10163k
[SND]12-3-23 Brian Martinez ps Danny ps Keene 1.mp32023-12-20 23:26 11669k
[SND]12-30-18 Testimonies from the body.mp32018-12-31 19:11 11679k
[SND]12-5-21 Zeteo ps danny ps david 1.mp32021-12-11 03:16 10644k
[SND]12-8-24 The Great Seduction ps Danny.mp32024-12-13 03:04 4355k
[SND]12-9-18 The ephod of David ps Jon 1.mp32018-12-17 20:18 9653k
[SND]2-12-23 To Save Some ps David ps Drew 1.mp32023-02-13 20:37 5527k
[SND]2-18-23 We Have an Alter Ps. David 1.mp32024-02-19 03:47 12813k
[SND]2-19-23 It's Time To Seek The Lord ps David 1.mp32023-02-28 21:41 3475k
[SND]2-20-22 Brotherly Love ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-03-01 04:13 8914k
[SND]2-21-18 ps danny ps drew You Fool.mp32018-02-28 03:12 11310k
[SND]2-25-18 AM Ps Danny Ps Jon.mp32018-02-28 03:15 9324k
[SND]2-25-18 Ps David.mp32018-02-28 03:22 11745k
[SND]2-25-24 His Faith that Makes a Difference ps. Drew ps. David 1.mp32024-02-26 23:16 10460k
[SND]2-26-23 ps speedy ps deveries 1.mp32023-02-28 21:47 11055k
[SND]2-27-22 A perfect heart ps david 1.mp32022-03-01 04:15 5631k
[SND]2-4-23 God's Grace His Presence Ps. Keene Ps. David 1.mp32024-02-05 20:49 12563k
[SND]2-5-23 Flee Fornication ps Keene ps David 1.mp32023-02-13 20:31 11730k
[SND]2-6-22 The death of death ps david ps stan 1.mp32022-02-07 05:29 10038k
[SND]29-10-17.mp32017-10-30 17:00 2611k
[SND]3-12-23 Little Foxes ps Danny ps David 1.mp32023-03-13 03:14 12622k
[SND]3-13-22 Bible College Students 1.mp32022-03-14 20:27 13222k
[SND]3-14-18 ps david ps danny.mp32018-03-29 18:13 12548k
[SND]3-14-21.mp32021-03-22 20:22 7517k
[SND]3-18 ps danny ps jon 1.mp32018-03-29 18:17 10345k
[SND]3-19-23 The Cross ps David 1.mp32023-03-21 16:06 11091k
[SND]3-20-22 My son, give me thine heart ps david 1.mp32022-03-21 03:20 11888k
[SND]3-22-20 intro.mp32020-03-23 16:08 2841k
[SND]3-24-19.mp32019-03-27 20:23 12608k
[SND]3-24-24 The Stone that Breaks and Builds our lives ps David ps Drew 1.mp32024-04-02 16:18 9754k
[SND]3-26-23 The Hearing Ear ps David 1.mp32023-03-27 01:29 9495k
[SND]3-27-19.mp32019-04-05 18:38 2952k
[SND]3-28-18.mp32018-04-14 04:02 12656k
[SND]3-3-24 Communion ps. keene Not If You Love Me but I I Love You Ps. David-1.mp32024-03-04 16:40 13369k
[SND]3-31-19.mp32019-04-05 18:38 10706k
[SND]3-31-24 Where Is That Body Ps. David 1.mp32024-04-02 16:21 12085k
[SND]3-4-18 SUN P.M. David.mp32018-03-11 04:42 12341k
[SND]3-5-23 More Than Bread ps Drew ps David 1.mp32023-03-07 20:36 11251k
[SND]3-6-22 Better Than ps danny ps david 1.mp32022-03-07 13:58 10316k
[SND]4-10-22 How does your King come to you ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-04-11 02:59 11298k
[SND]4-11-18.mp32018-04-14 04:10 9851k
[SND]4-14-24 Identifying Satan in Your Life Shane Inman Ps. David 1.mp32024-04-16 21:20 12220k
[SND]4-16-23 Critical Thinking All In Christ ps Drew ps David 2.mp32023-04-16 20:24 14769k
[SND]4-17-22 Let the Sun rise in your heart ps david 1.mp32022-04-18 11:55 11402k
[SND]4-18-18.mp32018-05-10 17:36 11798k
[SND]4-2-17 The joy of carrying a cross ps davif ps keene ps drew 1.mp32017-04-03 17:16 12005k
[SND]4-2-23 Meek and Lowly Brian ps David 1.mp32023-04-03 02:39 8078k
[SND]4-21-24 Gideon Presentation and ps david You Stink but God is Sweet 1.mp32024-04-21 19:56 11042k
[SND]4-22-18 Spiritual Hunger.mp32018-05-10 17:55 10934k
[SND]4-22-18.mp32018-05-10 17:47 13249k
[SND]4-23-23 God's Victory over Evil in our Lives Through Christ ps Danny ps david...2023-04-24 17:53 10986k
[SND]4-24-22 Impartation causes escape ps keene ps david 1.mp32022-04-25 16:12 12064k
[SND]4-25-18.mp32018-05-10 17:53 10835k
[SND]4-28-24 All is Vanity Except The Lord Ps. David 1.mp32024-05-15 21:41 4413k
[SND]4-29-18 ps keene ps danny Perfection 1.mp32018-05-10 17:59 13296k
[SND]4-3-22 communion & phillipino report ps david ps drew 1.mp32022-04-04 19:47 9501k
[SND]4-30-17 Ps Keene.mp32017-05-01 18:00 10843k
[SND]4-30-23 Principles of Recovery ps. David 1.mp32023-05-01 02:44 12449k
[SND]4-5-20.mp32020-04-06 20:40 10702k
[SND]4-7-19.mp32019-04-18 21:43 11058k
[SND]4-7-24 Humble Yourself or Be Humbled Ps David 1.mp32024-04-16 21:11 7622k
[SND]4-8-18.mp32018-04-14 04:15 11523k
[SND]4-9-17 staying in the spirit of hosana.mp32017-04-10 11:53 11505k
[SND]4-9-23 Life and Death in the Power of Christ ps David 1.mp32023-04-10 17:26 7598k
[SND]5-1-22 Grater than I Ps danny Ps david 1.mp32022-05-02 20:24 8756k
[SND]5-12-18 Ps Keene Ps Drew.mp32018-05-17 20:22 8742k
[SND]5-15-22 God's love removes fear brougth on by sin ps david-1.mp32022-05-16 02:56 11785k
[SND]5-16-18 Ps Danny Ps Jonathan Ps Drew.mp32018-05-17 20:26 12775k
[SND]5-19-24 Blessed In Him ps Danny ps David 1.mp32024-06-01 02:27 10440k
[SND]5-2-18.mp32018-05-10 18:08 14935k
[SND]5-20-18.mp32018-06-02 02:05 12604k
[SND]5-21-23 Even in Affliction We Go Forward Brandon Alexson ps David.mp32023-05-22 21:12 15160k
[SND]5-26-24 Memorial of Love Ps Danny Ps David 1.mp32024-06-01 02:30 10023k
[SND]5-28-23 The Door of Hope ps Perkins 1.mp32023-05-29 04:16 12292k
[SND]5-5-19.mp32019-05-05 20:42 5182k
[SND]5-5-24 communion ps drew A Place of Grace ps David 1.mp32024-05-15 21:49 10427k
[SND]5-7-23 Love and Body Life Shane Inman ps David 1.mp32023-05-08 19:32 11175k
[SND]5-8-22 Philippines trip & Mother's Day ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-05-16 02:54 13718k
[SND]5-9-18.mp32018-05-10 18:11 13376k
[SND]6-11-23 God is Our Refuge ps. David 1.mp32023-06-12 17:30 7305k
[SND]6-13-19.mp32018-07-19 22:41 12795k
[SND]6-18-23 Father's Day Message Ps. David 1.mp32023-06-19 03:26 13190k
[SND]6-2-24 Hebrews 12 A New Weight To Let Go Ps Drew 1.mp32024-06-24 02:09 7193k
[SND]6-3-18.mp32018-06-11 14:23 13707k
[SND]6-4-17 Walking by the Spirit.mp32017-07-01 00:51 14578k
[SND]6-4-23 The Value of a Soul Ps. Drew Ps. David 1.mp32023-06-12 17:25 10978k
[SND]6-5-22 So walk in Him ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-07-20 19:38 10082k
[SND]6-9-24 ps Stan Collins Legalism Travels but Grace Does Missions 1.mp32024-06-24 02:15 6859k
[SND]7-14-24 Being a Part of The Family of God Ps David Ps Drew 1.mp32024-07-15 02:32 13396k
[SND]7-16-23 Bring the Provision God Gives James ps David 1.mp32023-07-24 20:28 11726k
[SND]7-17-22 Kingdom of Heaven Forgiveness ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-07-20 19:41 12342k
[SND]7-18-18.mp32018-07-19 22:52 11064k
[SND]7-21-19.mp32019-07-28 19:53 1671k
[SND]7-21-24 A Great Expectation Ps. Danny Ps. David 1.mp32024-07-24 02:40 9794k
[SND]7-23-23 Walking in the Fear of the Lord ps David 3.mp32023-07-24 20:38 11770k
[SND]7-24-19.mp32019-07-28 19:55 10365k
[SND]7-24-22 Redemption from another and Say So ps danny ps drew 1.mp32022-07-25 20:36 11204k
[SND]7-28-24 ps DavidThe New Heart and The Living God 1.mp32024-08-11 03:29 11705k
[SND]7-30-23 God's embrace of mercy on our lives ps keene ps david 1.mp32023-08-14 19:04 13840k
[SND]7-31-22 Saved by His blood, Delivered by His Life ps david 1.mp32022-08-03 01:42 11349k
[SND]7-9-23 Be Reconciled With a God that is Near ps Drew ps David 1.mp32023-07-10 17:25 12096k
[SND]8-1-18.mp32018-08-06 01:55 13055k
[SND]8-11-24 God For Us Who Can Be Against Us ps Danny ps David 1.mp32024-08-28 01:05 9753k
[SND]8-12-18.mp32018-08-15 20:06 10711k
[SND]8-14-19.mp32019-08-19 12:59 12243k
[SND]8-14-22 God our Father p danny p david 1.mp32022-08-16 21:14 11146k
[SND]8-18-24 Are You A Fool ps Drew ps David 1.mp32024-08-28 01:10 11237k
[SND]8-19-18.mp32018-08-20 21:41 8942k
[SND]8-20-23 The Indestructible Church ps Drew ps David 1.mp32023-09-27 03:52 12065k
[SND]8-21-22 The pleasure of esteeming God's Word ps david ps drew 1.mp32022-08-22 01:47 11576k
[SND]8-22-18.mp32018-09-04 21:23 12877k
[SND]8-25-24 Say Amen to It Ps Keene Ps David 1.mp32024-08-28 01:13 11293k
[SND]8-27-23 The Trying of Faith ps Danny 1.mp32023-09-27 03:55 9589k
[SND]8-28-22 Distractions & Ascent ps david ps sawtell 1.mp32022-08-29 02:50 9465k
[SND]8-29-21 Corrupt Words ps drew ps david 1.mp32021-09-14 03:01 11643k
[SND]8-4-24 Who Obeys The Will Of God Ps Drew Ps David 1.mp32024-08-11 03:32 9939k
[SND]8-5-18.mp32018-08-06 02:01 11389k
[SND]8-5.mp32018-08-06 02:10 14106k
[SND]8-7-22 Teach me God ps keene ps david 1.mp32022-08-09 19:11 9390k
[SND]9-1-24 Would You Rest Already ps. Danny ps. David 2.mp32024-09-15 20:07 9623k
[SND]9-10-23 Love Beyond Offense Ps David 1.mp32023-09-27 04:03 7016k
[SND]9-11- 16 Communion Ps Danny.mp32016-10-06 21:30 3554k
[SND]9-11-16 Offering -Ps Keene.mp32016-10-06 21:31 1936k
[SND]9-11-16- Be a First Responder- Ps Stambovsky.mp32016-10-06 21:37 9426k
[SND]9-11-22 What comes from within ps drew ps david 1.mp32022-09-13 13:34 10345k
[SND]9-12-21 Looking at Jesus without a doubt ps drew ps david 1.mp32021-09-14 03:16 11445k
[SND]9-15-24 You Are Part Of The Body ps Danny ps David 1.mp32024-09-15 20:31 12635k
[SND]9-17-23 God's Weak and Foolish Pleading ps Keene ps David 1.mp32023-09-27 04:12 12387k
[SND]9-18-16 Offering - Ps Danny.mp32016-10-06 21:33 3370k
[SND]9-18-16 The living water- Ps Drew.mp32016-10-06 21:38 10295k
[SND]9-19-21 Seated with Christ in a place of rest ps david 1.mp32021-09-21 03:03 10709k
[SND]9-2-18 pm.mp32018-09-04 21:33 6219k
[SND]9-2-18.mp32018-09-04 21:29 12887k
[SND]9-22-19 ps Gary Groenewold Ps Drew 1.mp32019-10-24 13:25 11500k
[SND]9-22-24 The Humility of Christ ps Keene ps David 1.mp32024-10-15 13:08 11687k
[SND]9-23-18.mp32018-09-24 03:47 14803k
[SND]9-24-23 What God Will Not Do ps David 1.mp32023-09-27 04:17 13030k
[SND]9-25-22 The Security of Love ps danny ps david 1.mp32022-09-26 02:33 11070k
[SND]9-26-21 Seated with God part 2 Ps David 1.mp32021-10-11 02:11 12790k
[SND]9-29-19 ps danny ps keene 1.mp32019-10-24 13:25 12163k
[SND]9-29-24 They Wept Brandon Alexson ps Keene 1.mp32024-10-15 13:15 12674k
[SND]9-3-23 Be Strong in Grace Ps Matt Roberge Ps David 1.mp32023-09-27 03:58 9231k
[SND]9-30-18.mp32018-10-04 15:34 5581k
[SND]9-4-22 Surrender and the Cross ps keene ps david 1.mp32022-09-06 18:35 11506k
[SND]9-5-21 To reveal the Son in me ps danny ps david 2.mp32021-09-14 03:15 10920k
[SND]9-8-24 We Boast in The Lord All Day Long ps Drew ps David 2.mp32024-09-15 20:16 15418k
[SND]9-9-18.mp32018-09-10 03:30 11971k
[SND]_10-18.mp32017-10-19 19:44 6239k
[SND]_Beholding the glory of God in these present times.mp32020-07-18 23:02 11684k
[SND]_Draw Near.mp32017-07-13 19:08 12402k
[SND]_Faithful He is.mp32017-05-08 21:12 11548k
[SND]_Family & Bible College Students 1.mp32017-12-30 02:28 11286k
[SND]_In Him not for Him.mp32018-06-02 02:00 13919k
[CMP]aaacma.zip2019-08-08 18:16 680k
[SND]All things - Ps Drew - 11-01-1.mp32019-01-21 18:19 12460k
[SND]Am I a soul man.mp32019-06-20 16:24 11139k
[SND]Anointing seeking YOU not yours.mp32020-10-07 01:29 11316k
[SND]Armoured by God.mp32020-06-24 15:23 14492k
[SND]Be holy still.mp32019-06-20 16:35 11387k
[SND]Being a hearer.mp32019-11-11 19:02 11293k
[SND]Being established in the grace of God ps Wright .mp32022-02-14 04:29 10562k
[SND]Being moved by the spirit of God part2.mp32020-02-01 14:20 11577k
[SND]Blame God.mp32019-01-21 18:33 8831k
[SND]Body Life.mp32021-08-16 20:09 11263k
[SND]Calvary's Love.mp32021-04-06 02:40 10473k
[SND]Carelessness.mp32018-02-12 02:39 5970k
[SND]Change.mp32020-01-16 17:36 8395k
[SND]christmas day.mp32016-12-26 17:24 7731k
[SND]Communion Ps Danny.mp32016-11-08 04:18 4794k
[SND]Crooked places made straight.mp32018-01-30 18:18 9411k
[SND]David- Jen- Ben.mp32017-08-21 16:04 3283k
[SND]Dealing with projections.mp32019-07-18 15:50 12354k
[SND]Desiring God.mp32021-04-13 00:29 11341k
[SND]Digging ditches.mp32020-02-04 03:23 8044k
[SND]Dont be the most miserable.mp32018-02-09 05:22 11354k
[SND]EASTER SUNDAY.mp32019-05-05 20:30 6481k
[SND]Easter Sunday.mp32017-04-18 02:28 13222k
[SND]Easter.mp32018-04-14 03:59 11111k
[SND]Ezekiel 16.mp32020-01-07 03:57 11321k
[SND]failing the grace of God.mp32020-08-30 04:14 12442k
[SND]Faith by grace.mp32019-09-15 19:56 7088k
[SND]Faith Is.mp32017-07-18 01:20 12944k
[SND]Faith profits.mp32020-01-07 03:54 11033k
[SND]Faith, the flesh and serving God.mp32021-08-06 01:38 13287k
[SND]Father's day.mp32018-07-19 22:43 11884k
[SND]Fathers day.mp32021-07-22 05:16 10506k
[SND]Fellowship with Jesus.mp32017-10-26 13:23 5077k
[SND]Finished Work.mp32022-06-02 23:55 12062k
[SND]Forgiveness fight flight.mp32020-11-23 18:52 12182k
[SND]Friendship.mp32020-06-01 17:23 11086k
[SND]Fullness.mp32017-08-03 15:04 11922k
[SND]Give Mercy.mp32018-07-19 22:46 12809k
[SND]God's annointed instrument.mp32018-01-30 18:12 11861k
[SND]God's hope in life.mp32020-10-27 17:18 11490k
[SND]Godly Confidence for the new year.mp32018-01-01 22:37 9693k
[SND]Gods tomato plant.mp32019-02-07 22:47 12532k
[SND]Grace ruling over the old sin nature.mp32020-09-30 00:15 13009k
[SND]Greater Grace.mp32018-08-15 20:00 7202k
[SND]Growing up.mp32020-03-02 18:14 12856k
[SND]Harden not your hearts.mp32020-11-30 04:00 13004k
[SND]He comes but not how you expect.mp32021-03-30 01:15 10833k
[SND]Hear the voice.mp32019-11-04 14:15 12789k
[SND]Hearing His Voice.mp32020-07-29 01:11 12036k
[SND]Hearing the Holy Spirit.mp32020-04-21 18:28 12272k
[SND]Hearing the voice of the shepherd.mp32019-08-27 20:14 7909k
[SND]Hidden in God.mp32017-08-28 01:05 10821k
[SND]Hidden treasure - Earthen vessel.mp32021-08-16 20:10 9638k
[SND]Hidden treasure - Earthen vessels.mp32021-08-16 20:09 9638k
[SND]How God wants us to be known.mp32021-03-08 03:42 12907k
[SND]How to judge correctly ps Julian & ps Drew.mp32021-07-22 05:17 11460k
[SND]How to obtain mercy.mp32017-07-31 20:26 13474k
[SND]In need of a shepherd.mp32019-07-15 12:59 7792k
[SND]Intro.mp32020-01-20 15:37 1277k
[SND]Jan 20.mp32019-01-21 18:42 11058k
[SND]Jan23.mp32019-02-07 23:17 14641k
[SND]Joy.mp32018-07-30 17:13 13071k
[SND]Kingly Forgiveness.mp32021-05-17 20:30 12760k
[SND]kiss the Son.mp32020-06-01 17:27 11886k
[SND]Let the glory of God change you.mp32019-03-07 21:13 11319k
[SND]Let the light cast out your darkness.mp32019-12-02 19:37 12361k
[SND]Let the spirit move the flesh out.mp32018-09-17 03:53 11928k
[SND]Let us.mp32019-08-12 14:13 8223k
[SND]Look to Jesus.mp32018-09-07 20:54 11409k
[SND]Lora's face to face service 1.mp32023-02-28 21:54 7414k
[SND]Love the commandment.mp32020-10-27 17:18 8852k
[SND]Love.mp32019-08-12 14:19 9001k
[SND]Loving yourself.mp32020-05-22 17:53 14252k
[SND]Marriage Message.mp32022-02-14 04:38 14592k
[SND]Meeting God in Christ.mp32021-04-19 19:18 13810k
[SND]message - Ps. Drew.mp32018-03-11 04:37 8041k
[SND]message 11-13 ps keene.mp32016-11-14 19:58 8221k
[SND]messsage ps keene.mp32016-11-16 20:27 9436k
[SND]Missions Morning.mp32018-07-30 17:06 8635k
[SND]Missions Part 2.mp32018-07-30 17:20 10068k
[SND]Mothers Day 2021.mp32021-05-17 20:30 13526k
[SND]Mothers Day.mp32017-05-18 18:32 13644k
[SND]Mothers day.mp32019-06-20 16:17 8944k
[SND]My times are in the hand of the Lord.mp32018-01-27 01:25 11292k
[SND]New birth.mp32020-11-08 22:37 12041k
[SND]Nov 25 Sunday Morning P. Drew 1.mp32018-12-17 20:20 12232k
[SND]Obey the voice of God.mp32019-07-28 19:59 9757k
[SND]October 15th.mp32017-10-17 13:59 8975k
[SND]Offering-Things are tested to reveal Him in you!- Ps Danny.mp32016-10-24 01:18 3133k
[SND]Oh what a precious enjoyment!.mp32016-12-05 15:00 13422k
[SND]Our Cornerstone.mp32020-07-18 23:02 14404k
[SND]Palm Sunday.mp32019-04-18 21:47 11158k
[SND]Pastors Keene and David.mp32020-10-27 17:18 11546k
[SND]percieve ye the love of God.mp32017-03-27 01:52 11701k
[SND]Power in perilous times.mp32020-08-17 17:54 12493k
[SND]Prayer-it works.mp32018-02-03 16:07 15291k
[SND]Prayer.mp32017-08-28 01:11 7522k
[SND]PrayerSun.mp32019-08-12 14:12 1656k
[SND]Ps Danny & Ps Keene.mp32017-10-09 13:21 13440k
[SND]Ps Danny - I am thankful.mp32016-11-28 01:59 2853k
[SND]ps danny ps drew Seeing 1.mp32017-07-20 23:13 1168k
[SND]Ps David - Ben & Matt R.mp32018-01-01 22:42 9991k
[SND]Ps David and MBC&S Students.mp32016-11-21 03:43 25394k
[SND]Ps David.mp32016-12-19 03:28 7872k
[SND]Ps Drew Ps David Ps Keene.mp32017-09-11 18:29 10981k
[SND]Ps Drew, Brandon,Ps Danny.mp32020-07-18 23:14 13931k
[SND]Ps Drew- An ear to hear.mp32016-11-28 02:01 11687k
[SND]Ps Jon - Ps David.mp32017-09-11 18:30 5406k
[SND]Ps Keene- ps Jon 11-01 1.mp32019-01-21 18:27 11540k
[SND]Ps Park & Ps Jon.mp32017-07-01 01:06 7318k
[SND]Ps Shepherd ps Drew Ps Danny Ps Stambovsky.mp32017-09-05 13:35 11885k
[SND]Ps Shepherd Ps Stambovsky Ps Keene.mp32017-09-05 13:28 10326k
[SND]Ps. Danny Intro.mp32018-01-01 22:56 3669k
[SND]Ps. Park.mp32019-06-20 16:43 8377k
[SND]Ps.Drew & Ps.Jon.mp32018-10-22 02:15 11123k
[SND]Q&A Ps Bruce & Angie Wright .mp32022-02-14 04:41 11325k
[SND]Recieving grace to serve God acceptably.mp32020-04-02 16:38 11782k
[SND]Refreshment.mp32017-07-27 20:08 11500k
[SND]Ressurection power.mp32020-04-21 18:26 11809k
[SND]Romans 1-8 Topical- Ps. Speedy.mp32016-11-21 03:27 10246k
[SND]Scrubbing bubbles.mp32019-10-28 02:30 11332k
[SND]Seeing clearly to judge rightly.mp32021-01-13 13:51 11199k
[SND]Seeing.mp32017-07-20 23:16 13259k
[SND]Seek and you will find.mp32020-03-23 16:08 9744k
[SND]service thankful or not.mp32016-11-25 01:25 13376k
[SND]service with all students sharing.mp32016-11-21 03:38 10272k
[SND]Small Things.mp32019-06-20 16:46 11581k
[SND]Song of love.mp32020-07-18 23:17 13931k
[SND]Spirit of Joy.mp32021-05-03 12:23 12239k
[SND]Stewardship - Matt and Ps.David.mp32021-01-13 13:50 10943k
[SND]Stewardship.mp32019-08-22 19:04 6622k
[SND]Strength through weakness.mp32018-06-11 14:28 12885k
[SND]Sunday 02- 12.mp32017-02-13 17:12 13749k
[SND]Sunday 02-26.mp32017-02-27 19:05 11958k
[SND]sunday 03-05.mp32017-03-06 19:54 12240k
[SND]Sunday 03-12.mp32017-03-13 19:50 11438k
[SND]Sunday 03-19.mp32017-03-21 02:20 8485k
[SND]Sunday 15-01.mp32017-01-15 20:08 12704k
[SND]sunday am - a new life for a new man - ps drew & ps keene.mp32016-12-12 02:06 13626k
[SND]Sunday AM - Our Heart.mp32017-02-20 18:15 11663k
[SND]Sunday am 01-22.mp32017-01-23 02:17 13387k
[SND]Sunday AM 5-2.mp32017-02-06 14:50 15381k
[SND]sunday AM ps keene ps drew who is a wise man 1.mp32017-12-30 02:35 13264k
[SND]sunday am.mp32017-01-10 18:18 11114k
[SND]Sunday am.mp32016-12-19 03:30 14323k
[SND]Sunday am29-01-4.mp32017-01-31 19:22 14236k
[SND]Sunday Evening 23rd.mp32017-07-25 01:39 4792k
[SND]Sunday Evening 29-01-1.mp32017-01-31 19:28 9389k
[SND]Sunday evening.mp32017-05-22 19:49 5605k
[SND]Sunday Fathers day.mp32020-06-24 15:31 8367k
[SND]Sunday July9AM.mp32017-07-13 19:04 12073k
[SND]Sunday July9th pm.mp32017-07-10 14:12 5512k
[SND]Sunday Morning July 23rd.mp32017-07-25 01:34 14771k
[SND]Sunday Morning Ps.Danny -Ps.Drew.mp32017-09-20 13:59 11663k
[SND]Sunday pm 01-22.mp32017-01-23 02:19 14049k
[SND]sunday PM Ps david.mp32018-03-29 18:22 9152k
[SND]sunday pm.mp32017-01-10 18:19 9644k
[SND]Sunday,Father's day.mp32020-06-24 15:07 8367k
[SND]Take heed how you build.mp32017-08-21 15:42 15585k
[SND]The call.mp32020-12-15 17:12 9703k
[SND]The cross of comfort.mp32018-06-11 14:28 9183k
[SND]The deep calling unto the deep.mp32017-05-22 19:47 11429k
[SND]The entrance of the lord gives increase.mp32018-12-17 19:30 11817k
[SND]The flesh profits Nothing.mp32017-07-18 01:23 6684k
[SND]The four letter word.mp32017-07-01 00:56 13349k
[SND]The Grace Escape.mp32017-08-07 19:48 11813k
[SND]The hand of God.mp32019-07-15 13:02 8422k
[SND]The increase given by God.mp32019-12-23 20:19 9643k
[SND]The mercies of David.mp32017-07-31 20:31 10358k
[SND]The mirror of grace.mp32018-12-31 19:17 14085k
[SND]The need for the believer to discern.mp32020-08-17 18:01 9981k
[SND]The power od God.mp32017-08-11 05:04 8430k
[SND]The power of God.mp32019-06-20 16:31 13198k
[SND]The presence.mp32019-02-07 22:48 7909k
[SND]The principal thing.mp32017-08-15 22:48 11351k
[SND]The purpose of God.mp32017-10-06 02:57 5671k
[SND]The real you in Christ in you! -Ps Drew.mp32016-10-24 01:23 8464k
[SND]The root of thankfulness.mp32019-11-20 01:56 13030k
[SND]The soul felt its worth.mp32017-12-30 02:08 11267k
[SND]The spirit speaking in us.mp32020-09-30 00:15 12826k
[SND]The sufficiency of grace.mp32020-07-19 20:34 12395k
[SND]The things that belong to the Lord.mp32020-01-20 15:39 10172k
[SND]The weaning of the soul.mp32019-06-20 16:26 11509k
[SND]The Word and the Heart.mp32021-02-08 19:40 12315k
[SND]There are no small things.mp32019-02-13 18:22 7596k
[SND]Time to grow.mp32020-02-10 18:13 8681k
[SND]To be chosen of God.mp32017-09-25 15:36 11598k
[SND]Truth.mp32018-08-20 21:41 8742k
[SND]Trying to crack the nut.mp32019-03-21 18:24 8219k
[SND]Two jews and a gentile.mp32019-06-20 16:33 10444k
[SND]W-night.mp32017-09-05 13:16 12673k
[SND]We are needy people.mp32017-04-25 13:08 8600k
[SND]wednedsay11.mp32017-01-12 14:44 9713k
[SND]Wednesday - Ps. David.mp32017-12-07 14:51 6410k
[SND]Wednesday 16-08.mp32017-08-21 15:35 12560k
[SND]wednesday night all pastors.mp32017-07-01 01:09 11562k
[SND]Wednesday Night .mp32017-07-01 00:45 12396k
[SND]wednesday night 18-01.mp32017-01-19 13:59 11257k
[SND]wednesday night service.mp32017-09-22 20:33 4424k
[SND]Wednesday Night Service.mp32017-07-01 01:17 8836k
[SND]wednesday night Yes i Can.mp32017-01-05 18:23 14585k
[SND]wednesday night-3.mp32017-01-28 01:46 9689k
[SND]wednesday night.mp32016-12-29 20:19 8238k
[SND]Wednesday Ps Jon Ps Danny.mp32018-03-11 04:46 10996k
[SND]wednesday service.mp32017-09-08 01:53 11873k
[SND]Wednesday service.mp32017-10-13 21:38 6784k
[SND]wednesday.mp32016-12-22 04:38 13434k
[SND]What Christmas means.mp32019-12-17 00:02 11587k
[SND]What do you want to be when you grow up.mp32020-08-17 18:00 9640k
[SND]What does the lord require of me.mp32017-05-26 03:37 11760k
[SND]What it means to be complete in Him.mp32020-05-12 01:16 12671k
FileWhat it means to believe God2020-04-27 18:33 12850k
[SND]What it means to believe God.mp32020-04-27 18:38 12908k
[SND]Whatever you do He will prosper.mp32021-06-09 00:24 12027k
[SND]Why Me.mp32021-03-03 00:23 12543k
[SND]Word of Grace.mp32021-01-26 16:44 9476k
[SND]Word of grace.mp32021-01-26 16:51 9967k
[SND]You fools.mp32020-05-22 17:50 12638k
[SND]Young man sharing.mp32020-11-17 01:33 10514k
[SND]Your complaint is in heaven.mp32021-03-22 20:22 11387k
[SND]Your life as a memorial before God.mp32020-05-26 16:58 12486k
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